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Our Offer for you

Creating a Habit Tracker Template in Notion

Get started with Notion and building healthy habits

Philipp Stelzel
Notion Enthusiast, Writer, Digital Creator

Creating a Habit Tracker Template in Notion

Get started with Notion and building healthy habits

About This Class

Feeling overwhelmed with habit tracking? Learn to simplify it with Notion.

Join me in this comprehensive 21-lesson course, spanning over 90 minutes, where I'll guide you through creating an advanced Notion habit tracker from scratch. As a Notion Ambassador from Vienna, Austria, I've transformed my passion for building Notion workspaces, which began in 2020, into a thriving side business. Today, I not only sell Notion templates but also offer consultancy services.

In this class, we'll dive into:

  • Crafting a Vision Board
  • Developing a Habit Tracking Database
  • Setting up Daily Ratings
  • Creating an Analytics Area

You'll also master advanced Notion features like buttons, templates, managing recurring habits or tasks, and understanding database relations.

This class is designed for those with a basic understanding of Notion, yet it's approachable for learners at all skill levels.

By the end of our journey, you'll be equipped to independently create and customize your own habit tracker in Notion, harnessing these advanced features to boost your productivity.

Enroll now and start your Notion creation journey tomorrow!

What our customers have to say

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About the instructor

Philipp Stelzel

Hello! I'm a bilingual (English and German) digital marketing and productivity expert, passionate about technology and its impact on our lives.

Join my course as we explore the fascinating world of digital marketing, AI, and productivity.

Master the art of working smarter, not harder with innovative tools like Notion, Obsidian, and Midjourney. Let's embark on this exciting learning journey together and unlock new possibilities for personal and professional growth.

See you in class! Philipp

Course outline


Let's get started and click to enroll and begin your AI journey with Philipp!

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